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Going South & Learning Lessons

a sailboat at anchor in a large creek with trees in the background, with blue skies and grey clouds above

It’s been a minute since we posted an update on this blog. Mainly, it’s because all of our energy goes into maintaining the boat, planning our passages (yes, we’re off the dock!…kind of), and generally keeping ourselves alive and safe. We have much to catch you up on as we are going south and learning lessons.


dark blue sky above with a gradient down to yellow showing the sunrise over a dark blue large body of water
Sunrise at Smith Creek Maryland
inside the cockpit of a sailboat with grey sea water splashing over the bow of the boat
Loka beating into the wind and waves on the Chesapeake Bay

Figure it out Along the Way

Not to mention, we didn’t think of every little thing before we left. I know! Turns out we’re not perfect at this cruising thing yet. Heh. Seriously though, here’s a list of things we didn’t consider/test before we left:

  • anchor alarm
  • charging the batteries with both the engine (via the alternator) and the generator running at the same time
  • washdown at the bow
  • our isinglass is too murky to see through effectively
  • and several other things I’m forgetting right now


Granted, Charlie thought about all these things. We ran out of time before leaving (and some of them we actively deferred), and these are some things we’ve had to figure out along the way. 


After trying several options, we have a new anchor alarm via an Android app. We tried using the Aquamaps option and our built-in chart plotter alarm, and we found the Android app to be the best choice so far. 


We discovered that we would benefit from a new alternator. The old alternator is original to the boat (2005), and while it was beefy for its time (125Amps!), better options are available. We have thus purchased a Balmer 200A alternator, which we will install along this journey down the ICW.


As for the washdown, Charlie had already bought all the parts for the washdown, so installing it became a priority in Hampton. I’m happy to report that we now have salt and fresh water on the bow! This addition makes cleaning the anchor chain a snap, essential when anchoring in muddy waters (lots of that along the ICW).


Continuing Southbound 

We’re making progress on our southbound journey. We’re learning a ton and having fun. We’ve already checked out some cool little towns (Phoebus, VA, Elizabeth City, NC, and Belhaven, NC) as well as checked out some beautiful anchorages that brought complete peace (Jackson Creek, VA, Smith Creek, MD, and Pungo River, NC).

More updates will be forthcoming as we get into the groove and make space for sharing updates. 

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1 thought on “Going South & Learning Lessons”

  1. Y’all are doing great! We are right there with you and totally get the list! You will for sure get it all figured out while continuing to gain experience with Loka and continue heading southbound. Hoping we get to share an anchorage at some point!

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